Mahatma Gandhi (1869 – 1948) * વિશ્વ માનવનો..વૈશ્વિક સંદેશો,


વિશ્વ માનવનો વૈશ્વિક સંદેશો.


વૈષ્ણવ જનતો તેને રે કહીયે, જે પીડ પરાઈ જાણે રે.
પરદુઃખે ઉપકાર કરે તોયે, મન અભિમાન ન આણેરે… વૈષ્ણવજન

સકળલોકમાં સહુને વંદે, નિંદા નકરે કે‘નીરે.
વાચકાછમન નિશ્ચલ રાખે,ધનધન જનની તેની રે… વૈષ્ણવજન

સમદ્રષ્ટિને તૃષ્ણા ત્યાગી, પરસ્ત્રી જેને માત રે.
જિહ્વાથકી અસત્ય ન બોલે, પરધન નવ ઝાલે હાથરે… વૈષ્ણવજન

મોહ માયા વ્યાપે નહિ જેને, દ્રઢ વૈરાગ્ય જેના મનમાં રે.
રામ નામ શું તાળીરે વાગી, સકળ તિરથ તેના તનમાં રે.વૈષ્ણવજન

વણલોભીને કપ ટરહિત છે, કામક્રોધ નિવાર્યા રે.
ભણે નરસૈયો તેનું દર્શન કરતા, કુળ ઈકોતેર તાર્યા રે… વૈષ્ણવજન

About dhavalrajgeera

Physician who is providing free service to the needy since 1971. Rajendra M. Trivedi, M.D. who is Yoga East Medical Advisor Graduated in 1968 from B. J. Medical College, Amadavad, India. Post Graduate training in Neurological Surgery from Charles University in Czechoslovakia. 1969 - 71. and received Czechoslovakian Government Scholarship. Completed training at the Cambridge Hospital and Harvard University in Psychiatry. Rajendra M. trivedi is an Attending Psychiatrist at Baldpate Hospital. He is the Medical Director of CCA and Pain Center in Stoneham, MA where he has been serving the community since 1971 as a Physician. OTHER AFFILIATIONS: Lifer of APA - American Psychiatrist Association Senior Physician and Volunteer with Massachusetts Medical Society and a Deligate of the Middlesex District. Patron member of AAPI - American Association of PHYSICIANS OF INDIA. LIFE MEMBER OF IMANE - Indian Medical Association of New England. Member of the Board of Advisors "SAHELI, Boston,MA. Dr. Trivedi is working closely with the Perkin's School for the Blind. Dr. Trivedi is a Life member and Honorary Volunteer for the Fund Raising Contact for North America of BPA - Blind People Association of Amadavad, India. Dr.Trivedi is the Medical Advisor for Yoga East since 1993. He is a Physician who started Health Screening and Consultation At Shri Dwarkami Clinic in Billerica, MA.

એક પ્રતિભાવ »

  1. વિશ્વ માનવનો..વૈશ્વિક સંદેશો,

    વૈષ્ણવજનતોતેનેરેકહીયે, જેપીડપરાઈજાણેરે.
    પરદુઃખેઉપકારકરેતોયે, મનઅભિમાનનઆણેરે… વૈષ્ણવજન

    સકળલોકમાંસહુનેવંદે, નિંદાનકરેકે‘નીરે.
    વાચકાછમનનિશ્ચલરાખે, ધનધનજનનીતેનીરે… વૈષ્ણવજન

    સમદ્રષ્ટિનેતૃષ્ણાત્યાગી, પરસ્ત્રીજેનેમાતરે.
    જિહ્વાથકીઅસત્યનબોલે, પરધનનવઝાલેહાથરે… વૈષ્ણવજન

    મોહમાયાવ્યાપેનહિજેને, દ્રઢવૈરાગ્યજેનામનમાંરે.
    રામનામશુંતાળીરેવાગી, સકળતિરથતેનાતનમાંરે.વૈષ્ણવજન

    વણલોભીનેકપટરહિતછે, કામક્રોધનિવાર્યારે.
    ભણેનરસૈયોતેનુંદર્શનકરતા, કુળઈકોતેરતાર્યારે… વૈષ્ણવજન

  2. Thank you for reminding all of us that today it is Gandhiji’s BD, Oct 2 and let us remember the message of his life as reflected by his favourite bhajan, Vaishnav jan to …and pay our respect to Narsinh Mehta who wrote this bhajan about 550 years ago in Junagadh, Gujarat.

    Dinesh O. Shah

  3. Dear Dieshbhai,

    After talking to day, Here is the Qawwali you wanted to be here.
    Also in English & German subtitles – Vaishnava Janato .વૈષ્ણવ જન તો તેને રે કહીયે, જે પીડ પરાઈ જાણે રે…
    Rajendra and Trivedi Parivar.

    Dear Rajendrabhai,

    About six months ago, I saw this song in Kawwali form by a muslim group. Could you please include this form also. I am almost wept with the thought that neither Narsinh Mehta nor Gandhiji ever imagined that their bhajan will be sung by so many different religions and humanity. Nilimaa Bhatt gave an excellent lecture a couple of weeks ago at University of Florida that how this song has become an International anthem for non-violence, love and brotherhood.
    Thanks and best wishes,

    Dinesh O. Shah

    The First Charles Stokes Professor and Founding Director Emeritus of the Center for Surface Science and Engineering (1984-2008), 425 Chemical Engineering Department,

    University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 USA

    Email: Phone (Cell) 352-871-4993



    Dinesh O. Shah, Founding Director (2008-Present)
    Shah-Schulman Center for Surface Science and Nanotechnology,
    Dharmsinh Desai University, Nadiad, 387001 Gujarat, India
    Phone: 91- 94290 62293

  4. Vaishnav Jan to – Narsinh Mehta

    All Indians know this Bhajan… but only a few get the meaning. This bhajan according to me is one of the most beautiful one i have ever heard. It doesn’t try to say good things about God or to please him. It just says something so simple. I must confess, i being an Indian and having heard this forever, never invested the time and attention in getting to understand its meaning. I thank you from the bottom of my heart to post it here in this format… with the meaning and with the wordings.
    The song that was so dear to Mahatma (M K) Gandhi.
    Friend from surfers to Tulsidal.

    Editor -Tulsidal
    Trivedi parivar

  5. Dr.DR.D’bhai,

    Raju has forwarded your message to rasbhai.Sincere Thanks.
    those who render this immortal invaluable bhajan,
    MUST understand , WORD TO WORD, what exactly is the Meaning of what they’re singing … just doing it as a new-gen “fashion”, though inadvertantly sometimes, tend to insult / offend the very spirit ( bhaavanaa ) of our revered saint-poet Narasinh AND of course P.Bapu himself !

    Moreover : there are 3 raga ( “DHAALL” ) versions viz.

    a ) the one- most common”Khamaaj” composition 1st composed by Pt.Naaraayan Moreshwar Khare, for P.Bapu’s daily evening prayer meetings.( in ’20’s).You can identify him- Tanbooraa / Ekataaraa in hand,just behind P.Bapu- in the ” Daandi Yaatraa” pictures .

    ( b ) perhaps the original Saurashtrian -” folk” version.Many singers like we still prefer it to the “popular” Khamaaj version.

    ( c) actor-singer Vishnupant Paagnis sang in a typically Maharaastrian style in the 1st ever film ” Narsinh Bhagat” ( 1939/ 40 ).
    This version is least known.

    A version – in whatever format & rendition- sh’d faithfully adhere to the sublime, devotional,down to earth – HUMILITY enshrined in the total text, which has almost become a RAASHTRIYA BHAJAN .

    -harihi ommm
    r.& v.

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